A fellow Traffic Exchange owner Joseph Riley has passed away and his
wife needs our help to get him home to Austraila.
Please go to Viralwebcast.com to find out how to participate in
this cause
and then go to josephrileymemorial.com to find out about Joseph
Riley and his lovely wife Abra.
There is a Globe Tracking our website visits and a Donation meter
will our Donation Total updating every hour.
That Globe turning reminds us all this is a Small world and we can
stand together in this and succeed.
Let's Bring the Riley's Home
Please like and Tweet this cause. Please visit the website to read
about this wonderful man a TE owner , a marketer and loving husband.
visit the SWAT Traffic Conference Room to
join in the Webathon with Krazy Kaye Towne and all of us
help us brainstorm and make some new friends.